Armageddon Is Must Have

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Armageddon Is Must Have

 There is an important topic, frequently repeated everywhere in the world. It is entitled “Apocalypse”. Now, to see how real damage, we should carefully step by step, to learn a very important issue through the Bible is the light of God’s Word. To see what the Bible says about the future of that horrible day! And people are living, that fall into the horror time that will be. This is a critical issue, we need to know to prepare both soul and body, before the incident occurred. Now we run through a few questions to see the answer-how.


First Question: Armageddon real? The answer asserted that the true apocalypse! As God said in the Bible book Matthew 24: 14 as follows: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” Under the Word of God, I want to ask you: Have you heard the gospel yet? If you have not heard the gospel, then you go to a Protestant church in the news- as soon as possible, to hear the Word of God says about you in doomsday!

The second question: Is the judgment of God real? In the Bible book of Numbers 23:19 God’s Word says: “God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said ; and shall he not do it? Or hath he spoken , and shall he not make it good?” So you have to understand somewhat now?

Question Three: To avoid suffering eternally where the next life is. Then what unbelievers in Jesus do in this life?

Please Answer: God has spoken directly with you in the Holy scripture John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Jesus should not perish but have everlasting life.” So why until now you still reject Jesus Savior? It’s dangerous, you should have a decision soon, that’s good for the soul.

Question 4: If you do not believe in Jesus but believe other religions, can you get to heaven?

Please Answer: God who created the universe and all living organisms, He calls you to believe the Savior Jesus to have eternal life in heaven. So, apart from God, any god in the religions assert that religion has its own heaven? If the belief without Jesus but hope of heaven, is only a vague hope in illusions. You thought, the religious established founders were lying on the ground, how can they establish a paradise in heaven? The foundation for believing of there is a heaven of religion, based on what? You do not forget: You not only have to believe in the Lord Jesus for the soul to live. But also spiritual leaders in all religions must believe like you in order to have that hope. So God calls you to believe in Jesus for forgiveness of sins, the soul is saved. But he did not call for you to believe in the religion! Question 5: Why must believe in Jesus to inherit heaven? You must know that when human ancestors is Mr. Adam and Eva disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit. That’s how people with Satan wanted to rebel against God. According to the law of righteousness and holiness of God:  If committed sin, man must die. Not only the death of the physical part, but also the soul dies. So to pay for the death of the soul. Jesus has descended into flesh, His name is Jesus, crucified on the cross for the redemption of sin for everyone. So, this is a unique redemption of God’s love, but earthly sinners can not replace Jesus – the innocent- for doing that. A specific evidence tell you that: As a sinner to God, the sign is to die in the flesh. But the soul is alive, thanks to their faith in the Savior Jesus Christ who is Everlasting God. If asked: Do you see the cardinals in every religion are exempted from death in the flesh isn’t it? If not, then the soul will have to be fulfilled! You hear the word of God to be a prophet to foresee the images of unbelievers of Jesus in biblical day of judgment is recorded in Revelation 20: 12 as follows: “Then I saw a great white throne and him who was seated on it together, before the earth and the heaven fled away no place was found for them. I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne, and books were opened. Also open another book, is the book of life, And the dead were judged according to their works, just as recorded in the books. “

There are two things that require you to choose, one that is: If you select the “Heavenly Religion ” then believed in Jesus and worshiping God who is in heaven, then you will be with Him on heaven. If you believe in “people religion” is a religion, that made up by people then your soul must be dead eternally where the world after life…


Servant   Elijah  Nghiem